


Investing in the sharemarket (December 2022)

If you invest in shares, there will be times when you see the value of your investments go down, and sometimes go down significantly

Building Wealth - the golden principles (December 2022)

The principles for investing successfully, in terms of maintaining security and capturing returns, are little different from the general principles of life

Keeping investing simple (December 2022)

When investing, there are advantages in keeping things practical and simple, and focused on the end goal

New Zealand Superannuation - An Overview (March 2023)

New Zealand residents, who meet the eligibility criteria, are entitled to receive a universal old age pension (NZ Super)

Investing in NZ shares (DeCember 2022)

When investing in New Zealand shares, a common question is “how do I?”

Understanding investment Risk (December 2022)

…The presence of risk does not mean that a ‘bad’ thing will happen; just that it could.


Lessons from 2020

As the end of 2020 nears, it is worth reflecting on what is important when investing in shares and the lessons that have been relearned.

Reacting to COVID-19 induced market movements

In recent days, there has been a significant sell off in the share markets around the world. This is illustrated by the fall in the New Zealand market, as indicated by the S&P/NZX 50 Index to 13 March 2020.

What is happening to risk? (January 2020)

...was that “risk is high” or “risk is increasing”


The Bucket approach to investing

When it comes to investing, the “bucket” approach is a good way to think about your investment strategy


Short-term, shares may go down

Investors should have a plan for what they will do when it happens


The fundamental investment return choice

When investing, the pattern of the total returns of an investment portfolio received fall into one of two categories.


Review of retirement income policies 2019

Summary of recommendations

Achieving the benefits of an additional 1%

When it comes to retirement savings, we are better-off if we save or earn an extra 1%.

It’s a Stock Picker’s Market

Whatever the market environment, the shares you invest in have to be picked.

The Retirement Income Challenge

How do you convert savings into income to meet your retirement expenditure?

Simplicity’s Guaranteed Income Fund

Our view

Investing to achieve an investor’s needs

Successful investment outcomes don’t just happen, they are planned

Low Interest Rate Options

Is it better to invest in bank deposits, bonds or shares? How you invest is one of the key determinants of the ultimate return that you receive.